PSL Logers

  • Posts ( 16 )
  • MONSTRO Road to Fibo 2024
    Road to Fibo 2024 Begin: 25-01-2024 Weight: 103.3kg Goal: Achieve my best condition ever ( 46 years old) Cycle From PSL Test E 2100mg week Tren 1400mg week Masteron 1400mg week Winstrol oral100mg day Superdrol 30mtg day T4 100mncg day t3 12,5mcg day Clenbuterol 120mch day Proviron 50mg day ( maybe 100 ? ) Exemestano 25mcg day Raloxifen 60mg day Dostinex 0,25mcg 2x week HGH 10ius before bed and 10ius fasted morning IGF 200ius pre workout Humalog Telmisartan 8mg day Ursafalk ( liver protect) Diet: 6 Meals 450gr protei...


     (389)    (5)     0 comments

  • My journey of healing and making a comeback.
    Welcome back guys and thanks for checking this out. So back on February 11 I tore my pectoral muscle with a measly 335 pounds. I was just getting to the end of my second week on D-bol and I was feeling awesome. I got 315 on a double with no help and I figured 335 would be a cakewalk. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me. I lifted the bar and as I got about 4 inches from my chest the top of my pectoral just collapsed. I went to the hospital and they referred me to an orthopedic surgeon as they couldn’t do much. The orthopedic surgeon se...


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  • P.S.L. Sponsored Euro Pharmacies "BLITZ" Cycle with CoffeeS
    First of all, a big thank you to @Vision and the PSL Team for choosing me to run a “Blitz Cycle” using 100% Euro Pharmacies gear. I will be running an 8 week lean mass / bulk program. Apologies for the late start. We had a family health matter that took precedence. Trying to get motivated and back in the saddle. It’s been a tough few weeks. Vision, thank you for the kind words and your support through this. I am 60 years young, 5’ 9”, 196 pounds, body fat is around 12-13% (You can decide and give me some feedback). I have been running a T...


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  • PSL 2024 Cycle / Blood / Lab work Logger Right Here
    Many thanks to EP/PSL Team and my man @Vision for the opportunity!!! Since I've been a part of ASF, @Vision and PSL have somewhat given me a home and a great place of support to accomplish my personal goals. From winning the 2023 LIKE Game along with co-winner @Gene_Lifts , to now being a 2024 Logger...I consider it an honor to be trusted to log my journey with the quality gear provided by PSL. We have a TD!! (chose a longer ester to minimize the pins). Love these 15ml!!! I'll be logging overall progress, feedback, experience with EP/PSL an...


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  • PSL logger
    A big thank you to everybody over at PSL for choosing me to become a logger as I have ran a few Cycles before but nothing crazy as of right now sticking to a medication I've used before and for a time length I have used before this will be a 16-week cycle Height 6'3 Starting weight 225 lb Body fat percent I have no fucking clue My personal goal here is to pack on 10 to 15 lb of clean muscle As for training I will be following a regimen of push pull legs and on rest days incorporating light cardio Calories looking at about 3500 a day...


     (358)    (4)     0 comments

  • Marvels PSL sponsored log
    This log is all about 1 normal mans journey to hopefully attaining a pro card. I have a daily job, a family and bodybuilding some times has to take a backseat. I do have a strong work ethic, an ability to push myself and a great sponsor. This log is about following a goal no matter what life throws at you. You can find my progres  here:    


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  • Big_rich's get fit with it log
    Whatss up guys the time has come to get a log going. For those who dont know me i have been here at asf and other boards for many many years. I have been running aas since 2008. Up until now I have always always done a average of 2 cycles a year with a full pct. The time has finally come to blast and cruise. GEAR. I just recently came off a 400 test c 400 mast 25var 50 proviron run and have started my cruise of 175mg cyp per week. I plan to cruise for a minimum of 3 months. 2 months into my cruise I will be pulling bloods. I am very happy to...


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  • Killabeez47 & PSL Reconstruction Log
    What’s good fellas. After a little over three years, I’ve decided to get my ass up, get back in the gym and work on building the best version of myself. During the time I spent away from the bodybuilding lifestyle, I honestly hated the fact that I let all the work I put in over the years on my physique go to waste. I’ve had a real battle with myself not realizing I was making excuses like “you’re past your prime “ or any other bunch of bs a person can tell his or herself. But my eyes don’t lie, and when I look in the mirror, I now have a grandf...


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  • Mrs. Elit3Swagg's Semaglutide Journey
    HI, How's it going everyone! My wife has been on a weight loss journey and has done well over the course of the last 6 months, as time has gone on she has started to plateau thus demotivating her a bit. After some research we decided to give Semaglutide a try, the first vendor I thought of was UncleZ- Just for the sheer fact I can trust it and he has been a constant in this industry for many years. With that said, this log will feature weekly updates with pictures, her feelings while on it and progress made. As you know from my previous logs ...


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  • THE RISE OF THE DHT - Broserker's PSL Sponsored Offseason Log
    Hello all, and welcome to the beginning of my offseason bulk sponsored by Purity Source Labs. I want to start things off by saying I am ecstatic to be given the opportunity to run these products, and a huge shoutout and thank you to Vision and the guys at PSL for trusting me to do so. The amount of support I have received since joining this forum is overwhelming, and I will always humbly do my part to prove I am worthy of that level of kindness. This log is going to be pinpoint accurate and account for every detail in my bodybuilding journey. I...


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