Beginner Cycle


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  Cycle Builder

Firstly, steroids are not magic, but if you´re a beginner and have seen their effects first hand, they probably seem that way to you. But there´s no magic here. I´m going to also say that if you´re a beginner and you´re reading this article, you´re taking into consideration using them. A beginner is someone who has done two cycles or less, in my opinion. Along with supplements you still need hard work, dedication to the gym, and some dieting. Some questions to ask yourself are

Are you a male over eighteen years old?
Have you been training for at least two or three years seriously?
Can you devote at least half a year to working out consistently?
If the answer is no to any of this, you are probably not yet ready for a cycle.
I´m going to limit my suggestions for beginner´s cycles to basically two compounds at most, and stick to the more common steroids. Odds are if you´re a beginner, you can´t get all the exotic drugs people talk about. And, as a beginner, you´re better off without them. Here´s the cycle we´re going to discuss
Week Testosterone (Cypionate or Enanthate) (optional) Dianabol
1 400 mgs 20 mgs/day
2 400 mgs 20 mgs/day
3 400 mgs 20 mgs/day
3 400 mgs 20 mgs/day
4 400 mgs 20 mgs/day
5 400 mgs
6 400 mgs
7 400 mgs
8 400 mgs
9 400 mgs
10 400 mgs
11 400 mgs
12 400 mgs
The first thing that I suggest is a 12 week cycle. This is because as a beginner, I feel like you want to have some time to deal with your cycle and build gains from it. You´re going to gain a lot of weight at first, and you need to get used to it. Gains will begin to decrease towards the end of this cycle. Most people find minor side effects to begin relatively quickly upon beginning a cycle (acne, etc... ) and subside within the first month also. This is as a result of your body trying to normalize itself. Testosterone is a great compound for use as the base of every cycle, and especially a beginner´s cycle. This is because it is the primary male sexual hormone, and it will have an assortment of beneficial effects in your body including the synthesis of new protein and increase in IGF (both of which will build muscle), increasing endurance, and will offer an increase in both strength and aggressiveness for lifting. Furthermore, it will convert to a much stronger androgen called (DHT) and also the female sex hormone Estrogen. This will give you the full range of effects provided by your own natural testosterone. At this dose, not too many side effects should be evident. If your nipples get sore, then about 10mgs/day of Nolvadex would be a great addition to this cycle, as it will correct this issue.
You´ll need to inject either Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate at a dose of 400mgs once a week. The 2nd, and optional compound in this cycle is Dianabol (dbol). This is an oral version of testosterone that has less conversion to estrogen. Adding this into a beginner´s cycle will permit the user to attain more gains in strength and muscle mass more quickly. It´s known to kick start a cycle. The testosterone is the fundamental aspect of this cycle, and the Dianabol is a nice addition, but not to be used alone.
A cycle like this should offer a beginning steroid user with a good 20 pounds or more if a proper diet and training regimen is followed. Some of this weight is going to be water retention, since the two steroids being used can both convert to estrogen. If a clean, high calorie diet is followed, then that bloated watery look that´s common with first time steroid users can be avoided. Also, it´s a very good plan to do at least 20 minutes of cardio 3 or 4 times a week while on a cycle, to keep your cardiovascular system functioning optimally, and able to support all of the new weight you are placing on it.

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  •  Comments ( 1 )
 Juan Reyna
If I only want to take testosterone which one should I take? Can I keep taking it or do I have to cycle off? Which is best 250 or 400 testosterone

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