Blood results

  • Posts ( 18 )
  • Bloods on PSL Gear
    HI Been running 400mg/wk Test C, 200mg/wk Deca, 25mg Prov ED, 20mg Aromasin E3.5D, 250iu HCG EOD, 4iu HGH EOD. All gear except for HGH is from PSL who is my go to for everything anabolic. These bloods were taken about 8 weeks into the cycle. 48yo, 5,9", 170ish at beginning of cycle, was at 182 when bloods were taken. Time is my biggest enemy between work and family obligations and I sometimes find myself in the gym at midnight but that usually means not getting enough sleep. Any feedback is appreciated. Before you guys say it, I know, I know, ...


     (366)    (0)     0 comments


  • PSL - EP - Test/Primo/Tren/Mast/Var
    Bloods from the Test Cyp 200 Test was at 110 after 4 weeks on RAD. After 2 weeks was at 600 plus 2 weeks later was over 1500 and not readable on that test. Blood results:


     (555)    (1)     0 comments


  • PSL Gear TRT Results
    HI I started taking Test Cyp 200mg, 2x a week and decided to go have my labs drawn. I felt great, but wanted to see just how high my testosterone levels were with the dose I was taking. I was shocked when I got the numbers back. Total Testosterone: 1440 Free Testosterone: 33.7 Blood results:


     (324)    (2)     0 comments


  • PSL Cycle Review and Bloods
    Hi I am 5'8" amd 37 years old. I've been lifting on and off again since i was about 21 years old. But I've never been as serious about lifting as I have been the last few years except for the first few years after I first started lifting. Here is what I did for my cycle: Anavar 25mg/day for 8 weeks Test Cyp 400/week for weeks 1-14 injected three times a week M-W-F Test Cyp 350/wk tapered down to 200/wk for week 15-16 (200 is my normal trt dosage)....... Blood results:


     (341)    (0)     0 comments


  • Bloodwork with PSL Gear
    Hi  I am currently on a cruise cycle of 80mg test cyp per week split into 2 doses of 40mg. and attached is my most recent bloodwork taken 3.5 days after pinning. Test 882 ng/dL Free Test 235.5 ng/mL Blood results:


     (225)    (1)     0 comments


  • PSL experience + first cycle + blood work +log
    Stats: 27 yold 194cm tall 93kg (lost around 3kg due to being sick and injury in like a 3 month period) Cycle: For the very first cycle I plan to run the following things: 1-12 weeks @ Test E 400mg a week (Monday morning 200mg & Thursday afternoon 200mg) 3-12 weeks @ HCG 500iU a week (Monday morning 250iU & Thursday morning 250iU) 6 week @ bloodwork (and from here decide whether I need Aromasin or no) PCT: 15-19 weeks Tamoxifen at 50mg the first 2 weeks and then 25mg the other 2 weeks and 12.5mg the last week - every day ...


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    200 test/ 100 mast/ 50 deca 2nd week blood done one day before the injection Blood results:


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  • Blood results: Testosterone Enanthate - 200mg/ml
    the gear is 200mg/ml 15ml test E 120mg/week e4d 48h after last injection test lvl 1100+  4 weeks in cruise Blood results:


     (671)    (2)     0 comments


    Dear loyal clients and all potential customers, Thank you for considering PSL for your products & services. Now, are you aware that we have a BLOOD RESULT program with some great incentives and giveaways if you post your blood work and allow us to also post YOUR RESULTS on the sale site. Naturally and of course we will edit all personal information and you will remain anonymous and discreet, we will simply just use your screen name with a hyperlink and the community in which you posted your blood work on/with a picture of your lab results....


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  • 0.9 ml test e a week
    Blood results:


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