RoidRage69 Summer Cutting Cycle Log

RoidRage69 Summer Cutting Cycle Log


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  PSL Logers

Age 54

Height 5'9"

Weight 260

Target goal weight 230

First of all I would like to thank PuritySourceLabs and most notably @~Vision~ for his continued full backing of all my needs to make this dream of mine possible. I would also like to thank EVO for this great positive community for all of us to learn and cheer each other on doing what what love doing the most.

This goal of this cut is to get myself down as close to 10% BF as possible. I have to have a six pack by the end of this cut. Anything less is a failure IMO. I will do what it takes and have already implemented a drastic cut in sugar in my diet. Rice and fruit will be the main source of carbs. Will be doing lots of carb cycling to take advantage of windows around training. Low carbs on non lifting days and fasted cardio on non training days. Cals are goin to be in the 2000 range + or - 500 depending on if its a lifting day, cardio day, or rest day. I am also using semaglutide in this cut as I feel its the fastest way to lose fat. I will be using Tren Ace the first 8 weeks of the cycle and then switch over to anadrol the final 4 weeks. I am doing this as I feel its greatly needed in order to stop the loss of muscle while in 1500 cal deficit and using semaglutide. I figured this out on my last run of semaglutide when I was using low androgens. I will be using TNE and NPP the entire cycle. I feel the faster esters are much stronger and gives me much more strength in the gym where all the magic happens. I also have Aromasin at 10mg daily and that may go up to 20mg if needed. I also have started back on 2IU GH before every gym session either lifting or cardio. Will be taking weekends off allowing my insulin sensitivity to increase. On days we lift on a Saturday that will be an extra day of use.

You  can follow my  progres :

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