Steroid User Injection Manual

Steroid User Injection Manual


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  Beginners Section

The Steroid User Injection Manual by: Mike Arnold

Table of Contents

I. Injection Types.

II. Injection Methods.

III. Injection Techniques....  

IV. Aspiration: what is it and why is itimportant?

V. Why are there so many kinds of syringes?

VI. What kind of syringe should I use?
Part #1: Standard syringe specifications.
Part #2: Gauge numbers.
Part #3: Needle length.
Part #4: cc?s & ml?s.

VII. Where do I Inject?

VIII. How many cc?s can I inject into each muscleat one time?

IX. Rotatinginjection sites.

X. Sterilization.

XI. Loading a syringe.

XII. Disposal of used syringes.

XIII. Administering an injection.

XIV. Subcutaneous AAS injections.

XV. How often do I inject?

XVI. Q & A Section.

I. Injection Types

* AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids)
Peptides (GH, Insulin, IGF-1, etc)

There are two predominant classes of injectable drugs used for performance enhancement, which are steroids (AAS) and peptides. Steroids are anabolic &androgenic compounds which have been synthesized by making modifications to the testosterone molecule, including testosterone itself. Examples include drugs such as testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, and Winstrol. 
Peptides include a vast array of different substances, responsible for inducing numerous different effects in thebody. Not all peptides used in sports performance are employed for muscle-building or strength increasing purposes. Some examples of peptides include: GH, IGF-1,Insulin, Melanotan, etc.

In this reference guide, due to the large amount of information required to cover the injection practices of both AAS & the various peptides, we will be focusing solely on AAS in this volume. The injections practices of peptides will becovered in their own reference guide. 

II. Injection Methods

Intramuscular injection: An injection into muscle tissue.
Subcutaneous injection: An injection into the region between the skin and the muscle, also knownas a ?Sub-Q? injection. 

AS far as performance enhancement is concerned, there are two primaryinjection methods. These are the intramuscular injection method and the subcutaneous injection method. An intramuscular injection is exactly as itsounds; it is an injection given directly into a muscle. A subcutaneous injection is an injectionwhich is placed in the region between the skin and the muscle. Which method is utilized will depend on thedrug being administered, the dosage, as well as the goals & preferences ofthe user.

The overwhelming majority of individuals choose to administer their AAS by way of I.M. (intramuscular) injection, although subcutaneous injections can be useful for administering AAS which require daily injections. Daily I.M injections become tedious, to say the least, so in circumstances such as this, sub-q injects maybe the preferred method. 


III. Injection Techniques

Z-track technique: A technique utilized to prevent leakage of the injectedsubstance post-injection.
* Air bubble technique: A technique utilized to prevent leakage of the injectedsubstance post-injection.

In applying the above injection techniques, the purpose is to seal the injected compound deep within the muscle, eliminating any exit path through which the drug might leak back out ofthe injection site. These techniques are for I.M. injections only. While usingthese techniques is not essential to performing a proper injection, they will allow the user to minimize oil loss due to seepage.

The first technique we will look at isthe Z-track method. The Z-track method requires temporarily displacing the skin & subcutaneous tissue prior to injectionand immediately releasing the tissue post-injection. In order to perform the Z-track method, prepare your syringe and be ready to inject. Once the syringe is in hand, use your free hand to pull the skin at theinjection site ?-1 inch away from its original location. While continuing to hold the skin in this stretched position, administer the injection into the original location. Immediately after removing the syringe fromthe injection site, release the skin which was being held in place. The Z-track method works best at locations where there is a greater amount of loose skin. Utilizing locations with taught skin will be more difficult.

The air bubble technique involves injecting a small amount of air at the end of an injection. In order to perform this technique prepare your syringe and be ready to inject. When the syringe is in hand, pull ? cc of air into the syringe. Just prior to and throughout the injection, make sure the needle is pointing down, so that the air floats to the top of the barrel (near the plunger) and is the last thing to be injected into the muscle, as it is this small air bubble which will help to seal off the opening andprevent leakage.

IV. Aspiration: What is it and why isit important?

The act as aspirating is performed as safety measure, which prevents one from accidentally injecting directly into a blood vessel. The act of aspiration should be performed before every I.M inject, although aspiration is unnecessary when performing sub-q injections, as there are no blood vessels in that region.

In order to perform this simple procedure, one must have fully inserted the needle into the injection site. Once the needle has been fully inserted, but before depressing the plunger, gently draw back on the plunger by a few millimeters. If no blood enters the barrel, you are safe to proceed with the injection. If blood pours back into the barrel, you have entered a blood vessel and need to relocate the syringe. Seeing traces or specks of blood is notindicative that you have entered a blood vessel. Typically, when a vein (blood vessel) hasbeen threaded, blood will pour into the barrel when pulling back the plunger. If you do thread ablood vessel, you do not necessarily have to completely remove the syringe andstart over again. First, try pulling theneedle out 1/4-1/2 inch and then try aspirating again. If blood does not pour into the barrel after this 2nd attempt, then you have exited the blood vessel and are safe to proceed. If blood does continue to enter the barrel, you will have to remove the needle and find a new injection site.

Aspiration is not necessary when doing subcutaneous injection, only I.M injections.

V. Why are there so many kinds of syringes?

For a beginner, the many different types of syringes and their associated terminology can be confusing. Let us look at these differences which define the various types of syringes. Generally, syringes are defined by the following 3 things: Gauge size, how many CC's a syringe can hold, and needle length. By learning what these things mean, you will have no problem selecting the appropriate syringe for your needs.

You may have heard of a syringe type known as an "insulin syringe". Regardless of whether a syringe is classified as an insulin syringe or not, ALL syringes, including insulin syringes, are categorized by the 3 variables listed above. Insulin syringes are named as such due to the original purpose for which they were produced, which was to administer insulin to diabetics. Because diabetics will often need to perform multiple daily injections into the Sub-Q region, a smaller & shorter needed was needed, in order to increase patient compliance through more tolerable and relatively painless injections.
Let?s look specifically at the 3 variables below:

Gauge: The gauge of the syringe refers only to the thickness of the needle itself. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the needle. The higher the gauge number, the thinner the needle. 
* CC: A CC refers to the amount of oil volume a syringe can hold. The average syringe will hold anywhere between 1-3 CC's. The more CC's a syringe holds, the larger the barrel will be.
* Needle length: Needle length refers to just that, the length of the needle. This is not a measure of the entire syringe, but only the needle itself. The average needle will measure between 5/16th's of an inch and 1.5 inches in length.

Typically, the syringes normally used for injecting AAS (non-insulin syringes) come individually wrapped and can be purchased one at a time. Insulin syringes come in a clear plastic bag in packs of #10. 

VI. What kind of syringe should I use? 

Part #1: Standard syringe specifications.
Part #2: Gauge numbers.
Part #3: Standard needle lengths for injection.
Part #4: CC's & ML?'.

"Standard Syringe Specifications"

Most common syringe specs for I.M steroid injections: 23-25 gauge, 1/2 to 1.5 inch needle length, 3 cc syringe. 
Most common syringe specs for sub-q peptide injections: 28-31 gauge, 5/16th to 1/2 inch needle length, 1 cc syringe (these are also known as insulin needles).

"Gauge Numbers"

As an individual attempting to gain size and/or strength, you will likely only need to concern yourself with the injection of AAS and peptides. Since AAS is the most basic category of performance enhancing drugs, we will begin there.

Most of the steroid products on the market are oil-based. As an oil-based steroid, the steroid molecule has been suspended in oil, with the oil being used as a carrier. Since AAS are measured in mg quatities and are a solid in their natural form, they require a carrier if they are to be effectively delivered into the body by injection. Since oil is significantly more resistant to bacteria proliferation than water and is also inexpensive, it is a logical choice. However, oil also has a higher viscosity than water, which means it will resist flow under appliedf orce to a greater degree than water. The higher the viscosity of an injectable product, the thicker the needle will need to be in order to be able push the fluid through the needle.

When talking about needle thickness, which one of the three previously mentioned variables am I referring to? If you thought "gauge", you thought correctly. The gauge of a syringe pertains solely to the thickness of the needle. Choosing the correct gauge is the most important factor in needleselection because if you choose a gauge number which is too high, the oil willnot fit through?and if you choose a gauge number which is too low, you will end up piercing your tissue with an unnecessarily thick needle. The most basic rule to follow when it comesto gauge selection is to choose the highest gauge number possible, which willstill allow the oil to flow through the needle. This will make the injection nominally invasive, while reducing discomfort and minimizing scar tissue build-up. There is no machismo in using a needle which is thicker than necessary, only idiocy.

Today, almost all steroids will fitthrough a 25 gauge syringe, so this gauge size should be your automatic go-to choice when the viscosity of a steroid is unknown. This gauge is relatively thin in comparison to the syringes used back in the day. Not too long ago the viscosity of many oil-based steroids was much higher than it is today, requiring the useof 21-22 g. needle for basically every injection...and in some cases, such as when injecting crude forms of Testosterone suspension or injectable Winstrol, an 18 g. syringe would be required just to be able to fit the steroid crystals through the needle without clogging it. For those of you who are trying to mentally picture an 18 g. needle without a reference point, it is more like a small nail than a needle. AAS as a whole are rather straight forward in their application and demonstrate uniformity within the class.

The word "peptide" is just a general term used to define numerous different categories of drugs. All peptides are able to fit through the standard insulin syringe. Insulin syringes are sold in packs of 10, which are encased in a plastic covering. They range in size from 28-31 gauge, with all peptides being able to fit through any of them. 

"Standard Needle Lengths for I.M.steroid Injections & Peptide Injections"

Glutes: 1-1.5 inch. 
Delts: 1 inch. 
Quads: 1 inch (some individuals can use as small as a ? inch needlewhen injecting into the quads and delts, depending on how lean they are).
Biceps: 1/2-1 inch.
Triceps: 1/2-1 inch.
Calves: 1/2-1 inch.
Traps: 1/2- 1 inch
Lats: 1 inch.

Sub-q injection: 5/16th inch to 1/2 inch.
I.M. Injection: 1/2 inch.

When looking at the AAS column above,you will see the recommended needle lengths listed for each bodypart. 23-25 g. syringes with a 1/2 to 1.5 inch needle length are widely available. Simply choose whatever needle length you will need based on the bodypart(s) you willbe injecting into.

When looking at the peptide column above, you will see the needle lengths listed for each injection method. The peptide injections were not listed bybodypart, as all sub-q injects will require a needle length of 5/16thto 1/2 inch, regardless of the injection site.

It is important to note that when performing an I.M injection with an insulin syringe, a 1/2 inch needle must be used, as 5/16th length syringes are too short to penetrate deeply enough into the muscle and depending on the person's bodyfat level, it may not even enter the muscle at all. In general, I prefer 1/2 pins for all peptide injections, both sub-q and I.M.

"CC's & ML's"

The term "cc" stands for cubic centimeters and is a unit of measurement for determining injection volume. Itis important to note that the term cc and ml (milliliter) are identical and interchangeable with each other. 1 cc= 1ml. While syringes will indicate measurement in cc's, steroid products (vials/bottles/ampules) will almost always use ml's as their unit of measurement. So, if your steroid product says it contains 10 ml per bottle at 250 mg/ml, you know it also contains 10 cc's per bottle at 250 mg/cc. Therefore, if you wanted to inject 500 mg of that steroid, you would need to inject 2cc's (2 ml's) of that product.

Most 23-25 g. syringes hold 3 cc's, although some will occasionally hold less, so you when ordering you should always specify exactly what you want to purchase. Since 3 cc syringes are no more costly than their smaller counterparts and being that many steroid users will often inject more than 1 cc at a time, it makes sense to strictly purchase 3 cc syringes for steroid injections.
When it comes to peptides, most insulin syringes will hold between 1/2 to 1 cc. Both sizes are suitable for the average peptide injection. 

Note on water-based injectables: Fewer and fewer steroids today use water as a carrier, due to water's greater propensity to form bacteria compared to oil-based steroids. Still, water-based injectables make up a small segment of the market, primarily in the form of various brands of Testosterone suspension and injectable Winstrol preparations. While the variables of needle length and cc count transfer over from oil-based to water-based injectables, gauge number can be all over the place depending on brand. Fortunately, most manufacturers today are moving towards ultra-micronized versions of these products. When a water-based product is ultra-micronized, it means that the steroid particles within the water are very fine and can fit through a higher gauge number. Products which are not ultra-micronized contain particles which are much thicker and therefore, they require a lower gauge number in order for the particles to fit through the needle. Suspension productscan require a gauge size which ranges anywhere from 18 g. (typically with very crude, older products; these don't exist much today) to 25 g. or above. 

VII. Where do I inject?

Inevitably, one of the first questions many individuals will ask themselves shortly before their 1st steroid injection is "where do I inject"? While there is no right or wrong answer, the most commonly injected muscles among first time users are the glutes and delts. Both muscle groups are relatively painless (potentially), do not have any major veins/arteries near the surface, and contain a lower density of nerves.Quads are another popular body part used for injections, although one does need to be a bit more careful when injecting in this body part, as there are more nerves, veins, an arteries in the area.
Basically, any muscle can be injected into, although larger, thicker muscles are typically superior to small, shallow muscle groups. An example of a bodypart which falls into the latter category would be the forearms. This body part is rarely ever injected into and is a poor choice all the way around, so avoid them. Never inject into the hands, feet, or neck

Just as important as what muscle you decide to inject into is the location chosen within that muscle. In general, when deciding where to place your injection, gravitate towards the thickest, meatiest part of the target muscle. However, this advice will not always lead you in the right direction, so here are some basic pointers for the most common muscle groups (delts, glutes, and quads). When injecting into the delts, all 3 heads are suitable, although the side & rear heads are a bit more comfortable, on average. Injecting anywhere on the glutes is fine, but avoid injecting too far out to the side of the glutes, as the sciatic nerve (a major nerve which runs all the way down the glute and leg) resides in that area. When injecting into the quads it is a bit trickier. Never inject into the inner-thighs, only inject into the actual quadriceps muscles themselves, particularly the vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris. The vastus medialis (teardrop) can also be injected into, although it is not a preferred area for a beginner. 
As you advance you will develop your own preferences regarding injection site selection and become more proficient at the entire process. 

VIII. How many cc?s can I inject into eachmuscle at one time?

Primary steroid injection sites
Glutes: 3 cc limit
Delts: 2 cc limit (3 cc's is doable in the delts if using a 1 inch needle, but it's preferable to use the quads or glutes for injection volumes above 2 cc's). 
Quads: 3 cc limit (when injecting more than 2 cc's into the quads, you should use a 1 inch needle. With injection volumes under 2 cc's, a 1/2 inch needle is fine, assuming you are relatively lean).

Secondary steroid injection sites
Biceps: 1.5 cc limit. 
Triceps: 1.5 cc limit. 
Calves: 1.5 cc limit.
Traps: 2 cc limit.
Lats: 2 cc limit.

Sub-Q peptide injection
Entire subcutaneous region: 1/2 cc limit (injection volumes above 1/2 cc maycause unnecessary irritation and/or unsightly lumps).

It is recommended that beginner's stick with the primary steroid injection sites until technique is developed and the user becomes proficient at the injection process. Secondary injection sites have a higher margin of error (more nerves, more blood vessels, and sometimes smaller muscle bellies) and can be more painful, as well. Often times, advanced users will begin utilizing these secondary injection sites due to an frequent Injection schedule and/or because they have previously administered a large amount of injections into the primary injection sites. Frequently injecting into the same area(s) and/or having administered a large total number of injections into the same area(s) can cause excess scar tissue build-up. 


IX. Rotating injection sites

One issue which may eventually arise if the individual continues injecting AAS long enough is the issue of scar tissue build-up. Scar tissue is a dense, fibrous, connective tissue which forms over a wound or cut, either external orinternal. In the case of injection, thescar tissue formed is internal. Scar tissue can impede contraction (make the muscle weaker), impair local musclegrowth, decrease flexibility, and increase the possibility of re-injury.

Some scar tissue formation is unavoidable, as every time an injection is administered, scar tissue isformed. The bottom line is that excess & problematic scar tissue is not something you want to have to deal with at any point. Fortunately, we can take steps to minimize the appearance of scar tissue through rotating injection sites. Scar tissue is much more likely to form to a greater degree if you repeatedly and frequently use the same injection site. For this reason, it is agood idea to start a rotation, in which injections sites are routinely transferred from one site to the next in a systematic fashion. Typically, the individual will select at least 3 body parts to include in this rotation, while also altering the sites within each bodypart, in order to decrease the number of times the same area isinjected into per rotation.

The following is an example of an effective injection site rotation:

Injection#1: Upper-left glute
Injection#2: Upper-right glute
Injection#3: Upper-right delt
Injection#4: Upper-left delt
Injection#5: Upper-right quad
Injection#6: Upper-left quad.
Injection#7: Lower-right glute.
Injection#8: Lower-left glute.
Injection#9: Lower-right delt.
Injection#10: Lower-left delt.
Injection#11: Lower-right quad.
Injection#12: lower-left quad. 
Injection#13: Repeat. 

This particular 12-site rotation utilizes several of the most common & safest injection sites. This is just one example of how you might want to structure you injection rotation, depending on personal preference. The number of potential injection sites is extremely large, as even small needle placement adjustments are effective for minimizing excess scar tissue build-up. The type of pattern followed is not what's important. What matters is that you change your injection sites frequently.

Aside from the previously mentioned consequences associated with excess scar tissue build up, repetitive injections into a singular location significantly increases the risk of abscess and infection. In the event of a severe infection and/or abscess, surgery can become a potential requirement. In cases where surgery is required, lean tissue removal may be necessary (the removal of infected muscle tissue). This may result in external visual deformation of the muscle, permanently damaging its appearance. The implementation of proper injection practices can drastically reduce the likelihood of these health problems occurring.

While sub-q injections can initiate scar tissue development within the sub-q region, it is generally not as problematic as developing I.M scar tissue. There is no need for me to type out a rotation schedule with sub-q injects, as I did with I.M. steroid injections, but the user should remain cognizant of this fact and rotate his injection sites accordingly.

X. Sterilization

Sterilization is a critically important part of the injection process, as unsanitary injection practices pose thegreatest risk in terms of acquiring serious infections & abscesses. As described above, these are health problems you want to avoid at all costs and investing a little extra time and consideration into this aspect of your program can go a long way towards ensuring you remain problem free. 
There are 3 key components you have control over and which need to remain sterile at all times. They are the needle(s) being used, the injection site(s), and the rubber stopper(s) of each vial you will be drawing from. It is your job to make sure these components do not come in contact with anything other than the intended object. When it comes to ensuring sterility, alcoholis your weapon of choice. Alcohol kills more germs & bacteria safely, than any other household product.

Sterilizing an injection site or object is a simple process. Prior to sterilization, clean the area of any debris so that it appears visually clean. Afterwards, wet a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the intended area. After the area/object has been sterilized, it should not come in contact with any other unsterilized object.According to the medical establishment, an injection site should be covered with an appropriate bandage post-injection. While this will help further ensure that bacteria does not enter the injection site and cause infection, this practice is rarely employed among AAS users, typically with little to no negative consequences. 

XI. Loading a syringe

The term "loading a syringe"or "loading a pin" refers to filling the syringe with the steroid prior to injection. In order to properly perform this part of the injection process correctly, it will require 2 different syringes or more specifically, two different needle heads. One needle head will be required for drawing the steroid into the barrel, while the other needle head will be used to inject the steroid.
The primary reason for using two different needle heads is due to the delicacy of needles, in general. Pushing aneedle through a rubber stopper or into muscle tissue just a single time will dull the needle considerably. In fact, when viewing enhanced images of needles which have already pierced human muscle tissue, the viewer can clearly see that the tip of the needle has been bent. The act of injecting is already an invasive process and in order to minimize both discomfort, as well as scar tissue build-up, a fresh needle head should be used every time when doing an I.M.injection.

A secondary reason for using one needle to draw with and another to inject is that it can take a long time to draw a few cc's of oil through a 25g. syringe or smaller. By using a lower gauge number to draw with (usually 21-.22g.), it cuts down on the amount of time required to draw the oil into the barrel. The reason I recommendusing no smaller than a 21-22 g. pin to draw with is because bigger pins can damage the rubber stopper after repeated use, potentially allowing little pieces of rubber to break away from the rubber stopper and fall down into the vial. A 21-22g. pin is sufficient for quick drawing and will more thoroughly maintain the integrity of the rubber stopper.

So, in step by step order, here is how one would load their pin. Begin by holding the vial in one hand in an upside down position, while holding the 21-22g. syringe in the other. Directly insert the needle into the rubber stopper until it enters the oil. While continuing to hold the vial and syringe in this position, draw back on the plunger until the predetermined amount of oil has filled the barrel. At this point remove the needle from the vial, set the vial down on a flat surface, and replace the plastic needle cover back over the syringe in its original position. While still holding the syringe upright, twist off the 21-22g. needle head and replace it with the needle you will use for injection. Your syringe is now properly loaded and ready for injection.

A note on re-using the drawing needle: While some may choose to use a new drawing and injection needle for each injection, if the drawing needle is kept sterile, it can be re-used multiple times before needing to be discarded. Unlike the needle head used for injection, the drawing needle should not be coming in contact with human tissue or any unsterilized objects. When proper loading procedures are adhered to, the drawing needle should never come in contact with any object other than the rubber stopper, which should be sterilized prior to each draw. If you will be re-using the drawing pin, it would be wise to store in it in something such as a small plastic bag after each use, so that dust or other small remnants do not enter the bottom of the needle head while being stored. 

A note on back-loading: While performing a sub-q inject with a dull 30 g. insulin syringe is not going to be as unpleasant as performing an I.M. injection with a dull 23 g. syringe, the user should still take steps to ensure that every injection is performed with a fresh, sharp needle. Due to insulin syringes being so much smaller and more fragile than their 23-25 g. counterparts, they dull much more quickly. The act of pushing an insulin syringe through a rubber stopper even one time will significantly dull the needle head.

However, since the needle head of an insulin syringe cannot be removed, as they can be with larger pins, the only way to inject with a fresh needle head is by back-loading. The practice of back-loading is self-explanatory. You simply load the pin through the back end instead of loading the pin through the needle head. This is easily accomplished byusing one insulin syringe to draw with and a second insulin pin for the injection. As with steroid injections, you can re-use this drawing syringe many times, so long as it is kept sterile.

In order to back-load, begin by getting out 2 insulin syringes and setting them in front of you. Select one as your drawing syringe and one as the injecting syringe. Load your drawing syringe as you normally would and then set it down on a table, etc. Pick up your injecting syringe and remove the back plunger. You then want to carefully squirt the contents of the loaded syringe into the back of the injecting syringe without letting any spill out the back. At that point, pick up the plunger, gently press it back into the barrel and you are done. It is important to remember that when you are squirting the contents into the back of the syringe, that you do not squirt them all the way up to the front of the barrel, by the needle head. If you do, when you try to put the plunger back in, the contents will squirt out the needle head because of the air pressure and your peptides will be on the ground.

XII. Disposal of used syringes

When disposing of used syringes, it is of primary importance that the original protective covering be placed back onthe syringe prior to discarding. Thiswill prevent anyone from accidentally coming in contact with the syringe and accidentally piercing their skin. No one wants to be pulling a used needle out of their hand because the user was negligent in his responsibilities. 
In addition, many individuals will place their used syringes in a bag or similar storage container designated only for syringes, in order to minimize the occurrence of someone coming into contact with a stray needle. I have seen people use empty plastic milk containers, juice containers, etc, for disposal of their used syringes. Regardless of which method you employ, consideration of others should be your guiding principle.

XIII. The injection

The injection process itself isrelatively straight forward. Perhaps nothing causes more anxiety for AAS users than their 1stinjection. This fear is far more psychological than physical, as the act of performing an injection, especially when utilizing proper technique and the correct pin size, can be relatively painless. Some muscle groups are more prone to causing discomfort than others and the possibility of hitting a nerve, scar tissue, or a sore spot is a reality, but in general, an injection should not be considered a ?painful? experience. With the information presented in this document, you have been presented with everything you need to know in order to properly perform an injection. For an abbreviated step by step walk through, see below.

After one has prepared for the injection by choosing the proper syringe, loading the pin, and completing the sterilization process, the individual is ready to begin. Place the point of the needle on the center of the injection site and slowly press the needle straight down into the muscle. Do not press the needle in at an angle. After reaching the required depth, make sure to aspirate (see the section on aspiration above). After aspirating, hold the needle steady and begin slowly depressing the plunger until all the contents of the barrel have entered the muscle. Afterwards, slowly remove the needle from the injection site and replace the plastic protective covering back over the needle.

Once the needle has been removed, the individual may or may not experience bleeding at the injection. The quantity of blood expelled can range anywhere from a single small drop to a light stream which temporarily runs down the bodypart. This is a normal part of the injection process. Post-injection, it is optional whether or not one wishes to place a bandage over the injection site.
In this step by step walk-through, I did not include one of the injection techniques (Z-track, Air Bubble method, as explained in Section III), as they?re both optional and which one is employed is up to the personal preference of the individual. 

XIV. Subcutaneous AAS injections

While intramuscular injection is the most popular method of AAS administration, subcutaneous injection provides a viable alternative and in some cases, may even be the preferable method of administration. As stated previously, whether or not an individual is likely to benefit from subcutaneous AAS injections will depend mostly on the dosage and type of steroid being administered. 
Long-acting steroids, such as Testosterone Cypionate, Nandrolone Decanoate, or Boldenone Undecyclenate demand only a twice weekly injection schedule, although they can be injected more frequently if desired. These steroids are more suited to I.M. injections, as their long half-lives require a less frequent injection schedule. In addition, many ofthese steroids often necessitate that large volumes of oil be injected on a weekly basis. Since sub-q injects are usually limited to about ? cc per inject (some users can tolerate larger injections), the total weekly oil volume may make sub-q injects impractical.
With faster-acting drugs, such as Test suspension/base, daily sub-q injects may be the superior method, as this drug needs to be injected on a daily basis anyway. Not only are sub-q injections more tolerable, but they result in lessscar tissue build-up, making them the logical choice under such circumstances. In the end, whether or not subcutaneous injections are utilized is purely up to the individual. 

XV. How often should I inject?

How often a particular steroid should be administered will depend on a few factors, with injection frequency being governed primarily by the half-life of each steroid. Obviously, longer-acting AAS will require a less frequent injection schedule, while the opposite holds true for shorter acting versions. With injectable steroids, the length of time it will stay active in the body depends on the type of ester which has been attached to the steroid. Esters are molecular modifications to a steroid hormone, which have been added solely to extend the life of the drug within the body. So, when attempting to determine the injection frequency of a particular steroid, examine the ester and you will find your answer. While there is some dispute regarding the proper injection frequency required among the various esters, the differences in opinion are minimal.

Below is a list of some of the usedesters today, along with the most commonly recommended injection frequencies for each one: 

Acetate: Daily to 3X weekly. 
* Propionate: EOD to 3X weekly.
* Phenylpropionate: EOD to 3X weekly.
* Caproate: 3X weekly.
* Isocaproate: 3X weekly.
Enanthate: 3Xx to 2X weekly.
* Cypionate: 3X to 2X weekly.
* Decanoate: 2X weekly.
* Undecanoate: 2X weekly.
* Undecyclenate: 2X weekly.

Some injectable AAS have no ester, suchas the various suspensions & bases, such as Winstrol suspension or Testosterone base. These drugs need tobe injected on a daily basis in order to obtain best results. While an EOD injection schedule can beutilized, it is not ideal and should be avoided. It is important to note that there are some circumstances in which ester-less steroids can be used at a reduced frequency or on an as needed basis. The most common of these would be testosterone. Testosterone in its suspension or base form is sometimes administered immediately prior to training, before a lifting competition, prior to a sanctioned fight, or at any other time a burst oftestosterone might be found useful.

XVI. Common Q & A Section

Q: "How do I open ampules?"

A: Ampules can be opened by scoring (some ampules come pre-scored), using an ampule opener, or byusing the tape method. Scoring is a process in which in a fine line is ground away around the neck of the ampule. Scoring makes it much easier to snap the top of the ampule off without breaking the vial and spilling the oil. Normally, a scoring tool is used for this process, although sometimes knives or other objects can be used.

An amp opener can also be used, which is the fastest and the least time consuming of the 3 methods.

Lastly, the tape-method can be employed,as well. The tape method involves taping the entire vial all the way up to the neck line. Several layers of tape should surround the vial, so that it is properly secured. The point of taping the vial is two-fold. One purpose is to prevent the contents of the ampule from spilling, should the ampule break somewhere other than the neckline. The other purpose is to reinforce the ampule, so that it is more likely to break at the neckline. One can combine both the tape method and thes coring method, which is the best way to ensure that the oil contained in the ampule will not be spilled.

Q: "Is it dangerous if there are small air bubbles inside the syringe prior to injecting?"

A: No, a small amountof air will do no harm. Air bubbles injected into muscle tissue is of no concern. Even if the individual were to thread a vein and inject the entire contents of the syringe into the vein, the small air bubbles contained within it would be the least of that person?s worries. In reality, several cc?s of air would have to be injected directly into a vein all at once, in order to cause cardiac arrest. Even injecting 2-3 cc?s of air directly into a muscle would be largely inconsequential. Of course, such an action is not recommended, but you get the point.

Q: "My gear crashed. How do I fix it?"

A:Gear can crash dueto storing the product in colder than recommended temperatures?or because the ratio of AAS to oil is out of balance (this can be either a manufacturer erroror a personal error if home brewing). This does not damage the steroid. In order to correct the problem, simply run the vial under warm water until the products reverts back to its normal state.

Q: "My gear has particles floating in it. What should I do?"

A: You can choose to either dispose of the product or you can re-filter it by using a Whatman filter. While opinions will differ on this subject, I am of the opinion that re-filtering is a suitable solution in many cases, assuming the product is not badly polluted. In cases where it is apparent that the product is very poor quality and contains a large amount of foreign material, it would be wise to dispose of the product. This should not occur with reputable UGL?s and will never occur with Pharm-grade versions, although an occasional speck may occur with UGL products here and there and is usually not a big deal.

Q: "Can I re-use syringes?"

A: Absolutely not. You should never take a needle which has entered the body and re-insert it back into a vial, as this can result in bacteria build-up and cause potential future infections. It is possible to re-use your drawing pin, so long as that pin never penetrates the skin and is kept sterile.

Q: "How fast should I inject the steroid into the injection site?"

A: Until you are familiar with the brand & type of steroid you are injecting, depress the plunger slowly. Some steroid products, depending on the solvents & carrier used, can cause varying degrees of pain while injecting and the faster the oil/solvents enters the muscle, the more pain it can potentially cause. Other steroid products are completely painless. So, until you have experience injecting a particular brand & type of AAS, inject slowly.

Q: "Is it normal to bleed after an injection?"

A: Yes, it is common too ccasionally nick a vein close to the surface of the injection site, which will cause blood to leak from the surface. The amount of blood which can seep from an injection site can range anywhere from a drop or two, to a very light stream which slowly flows down that bodypart. Even in the event a larger vein is hit when doing an injection, this type of bleeding is relatively easy to stop and will not pose any harm to the individual. Fortunately there are no major arteries close to the surface at any of the common injection sites. Even when taking into consideration the entire body, there are very few arteries close to the surface, so hitting an artery during an injection is very unlikely, especially when sticking to the recommended injection sites.

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