Blood results on EP Test Cyp, Mast E and Proviron

Blood results on EP Test Cyp, Mast E and Proviron


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  Blood results

Blood work pulled on EP Test Cyp, Mast E & Proviron, results could have been better "allow me to reword that" - They could have been more accurate had I pulled bloods 4-5 days out for a more ideal reading and better understanding for myself.

Bloods were pulled a bit to close to my pinning day due to work/appointments, availability and scheduling.

Pinned Nov 29th Wednesday late day, pulled bloods Dec 1st Friday first thing in the AM fasted.

Despite that I'm very delighted with the numbers and how I feel.

Test cyp 200mg E6D

Mast E 200mg E6D

Proviron 50mg ED (AM) "Missed a bit of doses in Nov when I was sick and just being distracted with other events,

I felt a major decrease in sense of well being due to this. It immediately improved upon continuation of 50mgs again, overall that wasn't detrimental to my blood serums at all or even in the slightest degree"

Blood results:

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