
  • Posts ( 59 )
    HI Below is a pic displaying crashed gear that was corrected by myself using the method suggested below.. This thread is an attempt to better educate people in this lifestyle that are unfamiliar with crashed gear and for those that may have recently received some products via mail that arrived appearing crystalized or even foggy.There is many misconceptions that float around suggesting that the product is sub-par and not good, for the moment this is true.However, there is hope and this can be corrected using a very simple and easy method to...


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  • Effective Fat Loss using the Proper Hormones
    Effective Fat Loss using the Proper Hormones By: The Steroid Guru   "Take some Primo and Equipoise and you’ll get ripped!" I hear people say this kind of thing all the time. Frankly I disagree. I’ll go so far as to say no steroid will ever burn the fat off you! In this article, I will offer you a strategy to safe and effective fat-loss. It’s not the only way to get ripped or design a cutting cycle, but in my opinion, it’s one of the best ways. One of the first places you’ll need to look is at your diet. Without a good diet (and an ample c...


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  • When is the Right Time for Insulin in your Program?
    When is the Right Time for Insulin in your Program?   By: The Steroid Guru     Insulin is a game changing hormone. Rookies and even advanced bodybuilders are apt to use it, but there are a lot of fears surrounding this incredibly powerful hormone. So, let’s explore more into insulin and figure out if and when you should include it into your program.   First, understand that this hormone is secreted by the pancreas, and has a significant role in the regulation of fat and carbohydrates metabolism.. Insulin enhances the uptake of glucose i...


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  • Mixing Peptides and Gear
    Mixing Peptides and Gear   By: The Steroid Guru   There’s a lot of hype about how best to use peptides with your gear. Take a look at this article to get an early look into how to get the most bang for your buck. Peptides like GHRP-6, CJC, Ipamorelin and others like MGF and IGF-1 can offer real benefits to a steroid user, perhaps even allowing less steroids to be used for the same results. GHRP-S like GHRP-6 offer stimulated appetite, greater GH levels, and faster recover. And as we all know; increased GH leads to increased IGF-1. inject...


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  • Olympia Cycle Revealed
    Olympia Cycle Revealed   By: The Steroid Guru   The Mr. Olympia competition has once again come and gone and this year we saw a major upset with Shawn Rhoden taking down the most genetically gifted bodybuilder of all-time in Phil Heath. It’s never easy to take down a defending champion, much less one with the physique as marvelous as Heath. It would take something special, a flawless bodybuilder that matched superb conditioning with perfect lines and confident posing. There could be no mistakes for an upset to occur. And for your 7x defendin...


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  • Old School Steroid Cycles!!
    Old School Steroid Cycles!! By: The Steroid Guru I'm old school, through and through!! My ideal look is that of 1970's Mike Mentzer. I care nothing about looking like the next Mr. Olympia, nor am I going to put my body through all of the drugs and bullshit it takes to even try. Of course, anabolic steroids are part of the game. I believe there is a happy medium with them that can allow for both good looks as well as good health. Guys now use way too many steroids, they just have it all wrong. 90% of them could achieve what they're going for...


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  • The Best Way to Cycle Sustanon
    The Best Way to Cycle Sustanon The Steroid Guru Sustanon has been a mainstay in most bodybuilder’s lives since the very beginning of their steroid use. It’s as ubiquitous as Deca or Dbol, but is it a drug that really should be used? And if ou’re going to use it have you been going about it all wrong? Sustanon was originally designed and formulated by Organon as a timed-release compound used for androgen replacement for hypogonadic males, HRT, and all the other uses where androgens are indicated. The difference being that Sustanon (sustaine...


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  • When is the right time for HGH?
    When is the right time for HGH?   By: The Steroid Guru       How do you know when the time is right to start taking HGH? There’s a ton of confusion online and every expert has their opinion on the matter. Is it just for the advanced, uber wealthy, or pro athletes? And should you do UGL or pharma? Ahh, there are so many questions to be had before preparing and buying your first cycle of growth hormone.   First off, don’t do what many people do and exhaust every steroid cycle and extreme dosage under the sun trying to make things cost ef...


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  • How To Use Metformin for Bodybuilding
    How To Use Metformin for Bodybuilding By: The Steroid Guru   Let me make a few things known from the beginning. Metformin will not cure all of your worries and allow you to eat like the true fat ass you’ve always dreamt of being. It is not the fat loss pill you have been searching for. You’re a bodybuilder and discipline is your one true master. The grind of eating the same foods, powering through cardio, and pushing past rep barriers you otherwise thought impossible is what you live for. Metformin is just another useful tool in your tool...


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  • Is Primobolan Worth It for Men?
    Is Primobolan Worth It for Men?   By: The Steroid Guru     Primobolan was at one point in time among one of the most popular steroids in the world. A favorite among old school bodybuilders from the 1960’s and 70’s and many athletes still use the steroid today. There’s been a lot of discussion about is it even something bodybuilders need to use anymore? They have access to HGH, testosterone, trenbolone, and powerful oral steroids. Why would a male athlete or bodybuilder even use Primobolan? Let’s take a look at that question; find out more ...


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